Himachal Pradesh govt. has launched HP Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana 2022 to provide free baby kits to all new born babies. All the infants who takes birth in government hospitals will get these free kits for babies. The state govt. has already started distributing these kits worth Rs. 1500 earlier from December 2018. In this article, we will tell you about the complete details of HP Mukhyamantri Ashirwad Yojana.
The tender process for HP CM Aashirwad Scheme has been finalized and the supply order has been generated by the state government. Moreover, the state govt. is already providing Rs. 700 to the mothers during their pregnancy. This HP Mukhyamantri Ashirwad Yojana is going to benefit more than 1 lakh infants every year. HP CM Ashirwad scheme would encourage women to give birth to their child in the hospitals so that the child gets mother’s milk and gets proper nourishment.
Himachal Pradesh Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana 2022 Details
The important features and highlights of this HP Mukhyamantri Ashirwad Yojana 2022 are as follows:-
- All the baby kits distributed under Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana will consists of 15 things necessary for newly born babies.
- The items in the distributed baby kits (baby care kits) will have a total cost of around Rs. 1500.
- Around 1 lakh infants would get these baby kits every year.
- Only those mothers who give birth to the children in hospitals would be eligible for HP Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana.
- Even such mothers who give birth to the children in hospitals would also get financial assistance of Rs. 700 on the birth of new baby.
- Earlier in the FY 2018-19, the state govt. had made a budgetary provision of Rs. 15 crore for this CM Ashirwad scheme.
Items in HP Mukhyamantri Ashirwad Yojana
Each kit to be given under the HP Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana would contain 15 things which are as follows:-
- Suit
- Pair of vests (baniyan)
- Velvet cloth
- Pair of gloves (dastane)
- Pair of socks
- Massage oil
- Towel
- 6 nappies
- Mosquito curtain (machardani)
- Blanket
- 1 toy
- Toothpaste & Tooth brush
- Bathing soap
- Vaseline
- Sanitizer
HP Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana Eligibility Criteria, Documents
- हिमाचल राज्य के निवासी – मुख्यमंत्री आशीर्वाद योजना का लाभ सिर्फ उन्ही महिला को मिलेगा, जो हिमाचल प्रदेश के ही रहने वाले है. हिमाचल का मूल निवासी पत्र होना अनिवार्य है, तभी वह महिला इस योजना का लाभ उठा सकती है.
- सरकारी अस्पताल में जन्मे – योजना का लाभ उन्हीं बच्चों को मिलेगा जो सरकारी अस्पताल में जन्म लेते है. प्राइवेट हॉस्पिटल में जन्मे या घर में जन्मे बच्चे और उनकी माँ को 700 रूपए की सहायता नहीं मिलेगी.
HP Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana Application Form Fillup Process
मुख्यमंत्री आशीर्वाद योजना के आवेदन प्रक्रिया के बारे में अभी अधिक जानकारी नहीं है. लेकिन उम्मीद लगाई जा रही है, योजना का पंजीकरण आंगनबाड़ी में होगा, जहाँ महिला को गर्भवती होने के बाद अपना नाम दर्ज करना होगा. नरेन्द्र मोदी सरकार ने भारत देश की गर्भवती महिलाओं के लिए प्रधानमंत्री मातृत्व वंदना योजना लागु की थी, जिसमें उन्हें 6000 कि वित्तीय सहायता मिलती है.
For more information of HP Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana, subscribe to our page as we will provide you with latest updates regarding the scheme here.
Overview of HP CM Ashirwad Scheme
Name of Scheme | Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana |
State | Himachal Pradesh |
Launched by | CM Jai Ram thakur |
Benefits | Baby kits worth Rs. 1500 to beneficiaries |
Assistance Amount | Rs. 700 [Every Mother who has given birth to a new born baby] |
Announcement | March 2018 |
Start Date | December 2018 |
Department | Health Department |
Mukhyamantri Ashirwaad scheme was announced earlier in the HP Budget 2018-2019. As per the reports from the official sources, all the technicalities have been completed to start the scheme. Of all the schemes of Health department announced by CM in the Budget, work on around 90% of the schemes have been completed. All the new born babies who are born in the hospitals will get these kits worth Rs. 1500.
Source / Reference Link: http://himachalpr.gov.in/PressReleaseByYear.aspx?Language=1&ID=11894&Type=2&Date=25%2F04%2F2018
from सरकारी योजना
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