Pregnant Women Registration in Tamil Nadu for Birth Certificate Under RCH Scheme | Pre-Registration of Pregnancy at

Pre-Registration of Pregnancy in Tamil Nadu | Login | TN Pregnant Women Registration / Login | PICME registration | RCH ID registration | Documents Required for Pregnancy Registration. PICME stands for Pregnancy and Infant Cohort Monitoring and Evaluation. PICME is a system started by Tamilnadu government to track all pregnant women. Tamil Nadu Pregnant women registration is available at and can be done since the inception of pregnancy until obtaining a birth certificate for the newborn. Persons registered under PICME are provided with a 12 digit RCH ID. The RCH ID provided on TN PICME Registration is being used to track all aspects of the pregnancy by the Public Health Department.

There is a provision of pre online self registration available for pregnant mothers. This registration is mandatory for getting free birth certificate through the new CRS PICME software.

PICME Public – Pre-Registration of Pregnancy in Tamilnadu

Government of Tamilnadu has mandated to register all pregnancies, which will be registered by Village Health Nurse or Urban Health Nurse. To make it more convenient for the pregnant mothers, Government has introduced the concept of Pre-Registration of pregnancies. This allows her to intimate her pregnancy through various ways. Pre-registration of pregnancy can be done in 4 ways:-

  1. Online self-registration can be done by the mother herself by clicking on and entering the required details. On completion of above process, an acknowledgement with Pre-registration ID gets generated.
  2. Through e-Seva Centres: The pregnant mother can approach the nearest e-Seva centre and pre-register her pregnancy free of cost.
  3. Through Call Centre (102): The pregnant mother can call toll free number “102” and pre-register.
  4. Through Government Hospitals: The pregnant mother can approach the nearest Government Hospital and pre-register.

On completion of pre-registration, a SMS will be sent to the registered mobile number. The Pre-registration details will be forwarded to the concerned Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse and in turn they will contact the mother and register them. On completion of registration the mother will be given with RCH ID.

Tamil Nadu Pregnant Women Registration / Login at

STEP 1: Firstly visit the official website at Login Login

STEP 2: At the login homepage, click at the “Pre Registration by Public” link.

STEP 3: Direct Link

STEP 4: Then the PICME Public Pre Registration of Pregnancy page will appear as shown below:-

PICME Public Pre Registration Pregnancy
PICME Public Pre Registration Pregnancy

STEP 5: Here applicants can enter all details accurately and Submit it to fillup PICME Public Pre Registration of Pregnancy form.

Pre Registration for CSC –

PICME Pregnancy Registration for Check Ups / Delivery in Private Hospitals

Wherever you go for Ante-natal visit for your regular checkups during pregnancy, it is necessary to register your pregnancy in PICME. Moreover women whose delivery takes place in any of the private hospitals in the state, PICME pregnancy registration is mandatory for them also.

Expectant mothers can get PICME registration through the nearest government health care centers, hospitals, and primary health care centers. Expectant mothers can also contact the local nurses or Aanganwadi center workers for collecting the 12 digit registration code. Finally, the application is also available at all village level CSC (Common Service Centers).

Once registered on the system, the expectant mothers can also avail benefits under the RCH scheme. During the ante-natal stage, the local nurses will monitor the mothers registered on PICME. The nurse can also help you upload the document details on the official (Pregnant and Infant Cohort Monitoring and Evaluation) software.

Download Acknowledgement through Mobile Number

Please visit You can track your registration and find your Pre-Registration ID and RCH ID using your mobile number also.

Birth Certificates

In order to obtain birth certificate for any child born from a mother having PICME registration is simple. After birth, the expectant mother can provide the RCH ID to obtain a birth certificate for the newborn quickly.

Amount Given after PICME Pre Registration

If the mother registers herself within 12 weeks of pregnancy and if she has applied and was found eligible for maternity benefit scheme, she will get 1st instalment of Rs.2,000/-.

Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme

In addition to providing access to good healthcare during pregnancy, expectant mothers registered under PICME having financial requirements can avail benefits under the Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme. Under the scheme, the Tamilnadu government provides financial assistance up to Rs. 18,000 for expectant mothers as under:-

Instalment / Kind benefit Conditionalities (as specified in the G.O Ms. 118, Health & FW dated: 2-4-2018) Amount
1st Instalment Antenatal registration on or before 12 weeks Rs. 2,000
1st Kind benefit First Nutrition Kit on completion of third month (Kind benefit) Rs. 2,000
2nd Instalment After 4 months subject to the conditions specified in the G.O. Rs. 2,000
2nd Kind benefit Second Nutrition Kit on completion of fourth month (Kind benefit) Rs. 2,000
3rd Instalment After delivery in Government health facility Rs. 4,000
4th Instalment After completion of all 3 doses of OPV/Rota/Penta valent and 2 doses of IPV Rs. 4,000
5th Instalment After completion of Measles Rubella vaccination between 9th and 12th month of their infants Rs. 2,000
Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme

PICME registration is mandatory for obtaining the above benefits and financial assistance under the Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme.

Documents Required for Availing Maternity Benefit Scheme

  • Bank Pass book with photo
  • Voter ID
  • Ration Card
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • MGNREGS Job Card
  • Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Card
  • Any other photo ID issued by Government

What is Reproductive and Child Health (RCH ID)

RCH stands for Reproductive and Child Health. All Married/Pregnant Women in the age group of 15 to 49 will be issued an unique identification number (RCH ID), which can be used for any number of pregnancies. Only the Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse can give RCH ID.

How many days will it take to issue RCH ID?

It depends on the area and availability of Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse. Normally it will be issued within 1 month.

Importance of RCH ID

Now Government of Tamilnadu has made it compulsory to register all pregnancies and to give RCH ID for registration of births. Even if the mother does not have RCH ID at the time of delivery, she must register immediately at least after delivery and submit the RCH ID to the hospital concerned. So without RCH ID, one cannot get birth certificate.

If you have already received RCH ID, you should do Pre-Registration for the next pregnancy. If the mother become pregnant again and not able to meet the Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse immediately, she can pre-register her pregnancy using the existing RCH ID. For getting RCH ID, pregnant mother should personally meet Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse atleast once in the Health Sub Centre /Primary Health Centre before getting RCH ID.

Is RCH ID given to only Pregnant Mothers?

No. RCH ID can be given to any married woman even if she is not pregnant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

I am a Srilankan Refugee. Should I register my Pregnancy in PICME & get RCH ID?

Yes. All should register their pregnancy in PICME

I am a Member of Farmers Social Security Scheme. Should I register my Pregnancy in PICME & get RCH ID?

Yes. All should register their pregnancy in PICME

I am doing all my check-ups in Private Hospital and I am going to deliver in Private Hospital only. Is it necessary to register my pregnancy in PICME?

Yes. Wherever you go for AN Visit and wherever you deliver, it is necessary to register your pregnancy in PICME.

I have Lost the Pre-Registered application. Can I download the acknowledgement through mobile No.?

Please visit You can track your registration and find your Pre-Registration ID and RCH ID using your mobile number also.

I have moved to my mother’s place permanently 2-years before. But VHN Informed me to register at my husband’s place. Is it necessary to register my pregnancy in husband’s place even though I reside in some other place permanently?

Anyone who resides for more than 6 months in one place and going to continue her stay in that area will be treated as Resident. In your case, you are a resident in your mother’s place and you should be registered by the Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse belongs to your current place of residence.

Currently I am residing abroad. I have planned to have my delivery in Tamilnadu. Can I pre-register my pregnancy from abroad?

No. Pre-registration should be done only after reaching Tamilnadu.

I reside with My husband in Other State / Country. I came to my mother’s place in Tamil Nadu. Is it necessary to get RCH ID. If so, where do I register for RCH ID?

Yes. All pregnancies should be registered. Please contact the local Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse for registration. If you are not able to locate the Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse, please pre-register your pregnancy through online or through 102 call centre or through e-Seva centres or approach nearest Government hospitals for preregistration. The Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse will issue the RCH ID.

I am a Resident of the neighbouring State / Country and will go for delivery directly to the hospital in Tamilnadu. I have no local Address in Tamilnadu, Where do I register for RCH ID?

Please register with the Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse in whose area the hospital is located and get your RCH ID. You will be registered as Migrant from other State. Please take the assistance of the Hospital authorities

Is Husband Aadhaar Compulsory for registering my Pregnancy?

Aadhaar number is not compulsory for pregnancy registration. However, if the pregnant mother is going for her first delivery and she is applying for maternity benefit scheme, then submission of aadhaar number of pregnant mother and her husband is compulsory.

How to choose Administrative Unit while doing pre-registration?

Administrative Unit is nothing but name of the Block in which the pregnant mother resides

If Village/Street is not listed, then how to proceed Pre-Registration?

If the name of the village is not listed, then please select the nearby village/street

If OTP has not received, how to proceed Pre-Registration?

If OTP is not received during pre-registration, it may be due to mobile network/server issue. Please try again after some time.

Will I get any Acknowledgement once Pre-Registration is Completed?

Yes. SMS will be sent to the registered mobile with pre-registration ID. Mother can take a copy of acknowledgement from by giving the preregistration ID/mobile number.

How to check the Pre-Registration Application Status?

Mother can check whether her pregnancy was registered by Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse by using the link and once it was registered, can view the RCH ID of the mother.

During Pre-Registration I have typed my name wrongly. How do I change it?

After Pre-registration, the Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse will approach the pregnant mother for registration. At that time Village Health Nurse / urban Health Nurse should be informed about the mistake and should be registered with correct name.

I have not registered with PICME, Now I have moved to my mother’s place for delivery. Where should I register my Pregnancy?

All mothers should get registered with the Village Health Nurse or Urban Health Nurse in her usual place of residence only. Since you have moved already, you can very well pre-register and use pre-registration Id for getting birth certificate.

For getting RCH ID, whether Pregnant Mother should meet personally VHN/UHN in the Health Sub Centre /Primary Health Centre?

Yes. The pregnant mothers should meet Village Health Nurse / Urban Health Nurse atleast once before getting RCH ID

Is Address Proof necessary for registering my Pregnancy in PICME?

Not Necessary.

Is Mother Aadhaar Compulsory for registering Pregnancy?

Aadhaar is not compulsory for pregnancy registration in PICME. But if the mother applies for maternity benefit scheme, submission of Aadhaar number is compulsory.

TN Pre-Pregnancy Registration Made Compulsory (Earlier Update on 13 Jan 2018)

***Language of Writing is as of Update Date itself*** Department of Public Health, Tamil Nadu has now made registration of Pregnant Women compulsory. Subsequently, pregnant women will have to make online registration at various health centers for birth certificates of their child. They will get registered under the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Scheme. Accordingly, mothers will have to make online registration at

For birth certificates, women have to submit 12 digit RCH ID Number which they receive from village health nurses on ante-natal registration, at the hospital where the child is born. Moreover, these women can also avail the benefits of Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Assistance Scheme. Under this scheme, the financial assistance is now increased to Rs. 18000 (w.e.f 13 March 2018).

Govt. will make sure that all pregnant women in the TN state are registered. Accordingly, this step is necessary to provide them appropriate care which the pregnant women needs. Moreover, this move will lead to reduction in Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in TN.

TN Pregnant Women Registration under RCH Scheme

Department of Public Health is the sole body for Registration of Pregnant Women under RCH Scheme. Various government hospitals, primary health centers and health sub-centers provides ante-natal care in case of a new born baby. Village Health Nurses (VHN) carry out this work in the rural areas while the Urban health Nurses (UHN) carry out this task in urban areas.

VHN / UHN are responsible to make registration of the pregnant ladies and also monitor several expectant mothers. Health Nurses observes the details of ante-natal care being given to them. Afterwards, VHNs uploads the documents of the pregnant ladies on the Pregnant and Infant Cohort Monitoring and Evaluation (PICME) software to obtain a 12 digit number – RCH ID.

Applicants can also get this RCH ID at PHCs, Urban PHCs and other govt. hospitals through online registration at PICME. In addition to this, candidates can obtain this RCH ID from Common Service Centers (CSCs) in rural & urban areas or by calling Helpline Number 102. Now Pre-registration facility is also available for pregnant women on the official website to get their RCH ID.

from सरकारी योजना

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