Madhya Pradesh government has decided to restart its flagship MP Free Laptop Scheme 2021. In this scheme, the MP state govt. will provide incentives to Class 12th meritorious students to purchase laptops. The government will offer Rs 25,000 to each student who have scored at least 85% marks Class 12 board exams conducted by Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) to buy laptops. Through this MP Free Laptop Yojana, both regular and self-taught students would be benefited.
12वीं की परीक्षा में 85% या उससे अधिक अंक प्राप्त करने वाले मेधावी विद्यार्थियों को लैपटाप खरीदने हेतु राशि का वितरण किया जाना है। मध्य प्रदेश लैपटाप योजना के पात्र विद्यार्थियों की सूची एजुकेशन पोर्टल पर उपलब्ध कराई जा रही है एवं साफ्टवेयर माडूयूल उपलब्ध कराया जा रहा है जिसके तहत छात्रो के बैंक खाता क्रमांक, आई.एफ.एस.सी. कोड एवं बैंक के नाम की प्रविष्टि की जानी हैं।
MP Free Laptop Scheme 2021 – Rs. 25,000 for Laptop Purchase
Students who stood meritorious in MPBSE examinations of class 12th in the academic year 2020-21 can avail this offer. This MP Free Laptop Scheme 2021 is a newer version of the earlier Pratibhashali Chhatra Protsahan Yojana. In that scheme, govt. was providing financial assistance of Rs. 25,000 for purchasing laptops to all Medhavi Chhatra.
Meritorious students will now get Citation Certificate (Samman Patra) and an amount of Rupees 25000/- each for the purchase of laptops to pursue higher education.
Free Laptop Scheme List 2021
The list of students who are eligible for the MP free laptop scheme can be checked school wise or district wise on the official MP free laptop scheme portal using the following procedure.
District Wise List of Students
To check the district wise list of MP Free laptop scheme eligible students, go to the below link.
District Wise List of Students

Now on this page, select your district name and click the “Get District Wise list of students eligible for purchase of Laptop Summary!!!” button to show the summary.
School Wise List of Students
To check the school wise list of students of MP free laptop scheme, visit the official website at this link.

Now select your district, school and enter the code shown in image and then click “Get list of Eligible Students” link to view the complete list.
MP Free Laptop Scheme 2021 – Check Eligibility / Payment Status
Students who are have passed class 12th will be given laptops under this scheme. Students can check their eligibility or payment status for MP free laptop scheme using their roll number of 12th board exams. Below is the complete procedure to check your payment status or eligibility for MP free laptop scheme 2021.
STEP 1: Go to the official website of MP Free Laptop Scheme at and click on “पात्रता जानें” link.

STEP 2: Now click on “Check Your Eligibility/ अपनी पात्रता जानें” link which will open in a new tab and looks like below.

STEP 3: Now check your eligibility and payment status by entering your class 12th roll number and clicking the “Get Details of Meritorious Student” button.
After this you will be shown the status of payment for laptop purchase or eligibility.
Register Grievance or Complain
Students can register their complain / grievance using this link.
MP Free Laptop Scheme 2021 – Overview
The state govt. of Madhya Pradesh will now start a new MP Free Laptop Scheme 2021 as announced by CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan on 26 July 2020. A total of 8 lakh students have appeared for Class 12 Board examination in the state. Chief Minister put up a tweet on his official Twitter handle. The tweet reads as “The scheme of supplying laptops to the meritorious students of Madhya Pradesh is being started again. Under this, the meritorious students will get Rs. 25,000 incentives by the government to purchase laptops and citation certificate would be provided.”
In the next tweet CM Shivraj Singh wrote, “The benefit of this scheme will be given to the students who have excelled in the 12th main examination conducted by Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education for the academic session 2019-20. The benefit of the scheme will be given to both regular and self-taught students.”
This is not the first time that MP government is encouraging and felicitating students with laptops. Earlier also the state government had decided to award Rs 30,000 to each student who tops the exam.
MP Medhavi Chhatra Laptop Yojana 2021
The re-start of the MP Medhavi Chhatra Laptop Yojana 2021 is announced by CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan through a series of tweets. The official tweets posted by CM @ChouhanShivraj: शैक्षणिक सत्र 2019-20 के लिए माध्यमिक शिक्षा मंडल मध्यप्रदेश द्वारा आयोजित 12वीं की मुख्य परीक्षा में उत्कृष्टता प्रदर्शित करने वाले विद्यार्थियों को इस योजना का लाभ दिया जाएगा। योजना का लाभ नियमित एवं स्वाध्यायी दोनों प्रकार के विद्यार्थियों को दिया जाएगा।
Earlier in the month of May 2020, under the Sambal Yojana plan, MP CM has decided to award Rs 30000 to each 5000 student who gets the highest number in MP Class 12 Board Exam. MP Board Class 12 Result was released on 27 July 2020 as per various media reports.
However, there is no official confirmation on the release of MPBSE board exam results yet. The official site of the MP Board does not have any notice regarding the release of the result. So students can wait for their results and on getting merit, students would be able to apply for MP Medhavi Chhatra Laptop Yojana 2021.
MP Pratibhashali Chhatra Protsahan Yojana (Earlier Update on 16 Oct 2019)
MP Pratibhashali Chhatra Protsahan Yojana or MP Free Laptop Scheme is providing 25,000 rupees to each class 12th student who has scored more than 85% marks in MP board exams, check list of eligible students, eligibility criteria, payment status etc.
As per the announcement, Madhya Pradesh govt. is providing cash incentive of Rs. 25,000/- for purchase of laptops to each meritorious students. Under Pratibhashali Chhatra Protsahan Yojana, govt. will provide financial assistance for Laptop Scheme to all Medhavi Chaatra.
Free Laptop Distribution Scheme is a flagship scheme of the MP Govt. and this scheme encourages the students towards higher studies. Meritorious students will get Citation Certificate (Samman Patra) and an amount of 25,000 each on the purchase of laptops to pursue higher education. All the candidates belonging who have scored more than 85% marks in the MPBSE Board Examinations of Class 12th can also avail the benefits of MP Free Laptop Scheme.

What is MP Pratibashali Chhatra Protsahan Yojana for Medhavi Chhatras
MP govt. will provide Citation certificate and an encouragement amount of Rs. 25000 to meritorious students for purchase of Laptop. This scheme is being run by the state govt. for the past few years. For this scheme, To avail the scheme benefits, candidates must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:-
- For General Candidates – Candidates must have secured 85% or more marks in Class 12th Main Examination conducted by MPBSE.
- For Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes / Nomads – All the SC / ST candidates must have secured st-least 75% marks in the Class 12th Main Examination.
Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Examination (MPBSE) conducts Class 12th examinations every year in the state. Talented students of Govt. and Non Govt. Schools who performed well in these examinations are given awards by the state govt. under Pratibashali Chhatra Protsahan Yojana.
from सरकारी योजना
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