HP Van Samridhi Jan Samridhi Yojana 2021 – Earn Money by Growing Medicinal Plants

Himachal Pradesh cabinet had approved HP Van Samridhi Jan Samridhi Yojana on 5 September 2018. Now the rural people can earn money and economic returns by growing medicinal plants. All the plants with medical capabilities (used in medicines) will now get their appropriate prices as per their medicinal value. In HP, there are 3400 types of medicinal plants and to grow these, govt. will provide 25% subsidy to rural people.

Self Help Groups working at rural level with the help of locals will perform the task of taking medicinal plants out of the forests. For this, govt. will provide financial assistance upto Rs. 10,000. The main aim to launch this scheme is to preserve and conserve such priceless herbs. These medicinal plants have a huge value due to their treatment capabilities. Moreover, rural people will be able to earn by growing and then selling it at market prices.

HP Van Samridhi Jan Samridhi Yojana 2021

The important features and highlights of this HP Van Samridhi Jan Samridhi Yojana are as follows:-

  • HP Van Samridhi Jan Samridhi Yojana will ensure economic returns to rural households who are engaged in collecting and selling of Non-Timber forest produce which includes medicinal plants.
  • Moreover, govt. will focus on post harvest handling, value addition and marketing.
  • All the rural people will have to grow medicinal plants on their land. For this, the state govt. will provide 25% subsidy.
  • When all the herbs are prepared in the forest, then people will call Self Help Groups (SHGs) to take out the medicines.
  • For these medicines, all the people would get the appropriate prices similar to the market price of that particular herb.
  • Any person would not be able to take out or steal such medicines from the forests.
  • The main objective is to provide appropriate prices of the medicinal plants which are grown in the forests of the state. In addition to this, people can sell them at reasonable prices to earn money necessary for their survival.
Himachal Pradesh Jan Samriddhi Van Samriddhi Yojana
Himachal Pradesh Jan Samriddhi Van Samriddhi Yojana

Himachal Pradesh state cabinet has approved this scheme on 5 September 2018. The state govt. is performing mapping of those 5 districts where such crucial and priceless medicinal plants are found.

Training to Self Help Groups – HP Van Samridhi Jan Samridhi Yojana

Forest department is going to provide Training to all Self Help Groups (SHGs) to take out herbs from the forests. They will get knowledge on the way and suitable timings to take out herbs. To grow medicinal plants, govt. will provide subsidy of upto 25%. The state govt. has decided to setup a Corpus Fund for this purpose.

Types of Herbs in Himachal Pradesh Forests

Himachal Pradesh is considered as a gem for the medical treatment. It has vast area covered with forests having a huge variety of herbs. As per the report of forest dept., the forests has 1038 species with around 3400 types of herbs which are priceless. These herbs has value in lakhs and can cure almost all the diseases. Some of these medicines are on the verge of extinction. HP Van Samridhi Jan Samridhi Yojana will help in preservation and conservation of these priceless herbs.

Setup of Herbal Medicine Cell under Zaika Project in Himachal Pradesh

Forest department is going to setup a new Herbal Medicine Cell under Zaika Project in Himachal Pradesh. The state govt. will provide technical information to the rural people. This will include the market prices and all the information will be sent to the Self Help Groups (SHGs) through SMS on their mobile phones.

For more details, click the link – https://hpforest.nic.in/files/Van%20Samridhi%20Jan%20Samridhi%2010.pdf

from सरकारी योजना

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