Karnataka Vidyagama Scheme 2021 Restarted in Revised Format

Vidyagama Scheme 2021 has been restarted in the revised format by the Karnataka government. The classes are being organised as scheduled on campuses which involve govt / govt. aided and private schools. All the students are divided into smaller groups of 15 to 20 depending on the number of teachers and classrooms available in each school. In this article, we will tell you about the revamped version of the Vidyagama Yojana in Karnataka state.

Karnataka Vidyagama Scheme 2021

In Revised Vidyagama Scheme 2021 in Karnataka, students are allowed to come to schools for half a day with parental consent. All the Covid-19 guidelines are being followed such as wearing a mask, sanitising hands frequently. Moreover, thermal scanning of students is also being carried out at all the govt / govt aided / private schools. Any student with fever, cough, cold and other symptoms of Covid-19 is not allowed to sit in classes.

Arrangements for Vidyagama Yojana in Karnataka

All the students are advised to bring their drinking water bottle from their home. The state govt. along with school staff has made arrangements to wash hands with soap and sanitiser at schools before allowing the students in.

Timetable of Classes in Vidyagama Programme

The timetables of classes is now set with three classes of 45 minutes each. As per the schedule released by Department of Primary and Secondary Education, the students timetable is as follows:-

Class 10th – 10 a.m to 12.30 p.m on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri and 8.30 a.m to 11.15 a.m on Saturdays. Students in 8 groups have to attend classes on 8 subjects.

Class 8 & 9 – 2 p.m to 4.30 p.m on alternate days in batches. Students attending the sessions are divided into eight groups for eight different subjects.

Class 1 to 7 – 10 a.m to 12.30 p.m on weekdays on alternate days and 8 am to 11.15 am on Saturdays.

All the schools engaging students from class 1 to 5 have been asked to bifurcate students from classes  1 to 3 and 4 to 5 on alternate days. A circular with schedule mentioned that schools engaging students from class 1 to 8 have been asked to split sessions for classes 1 to 5 and 6 to 8 on alternate days.

Karnataka Vidyagama Programme Timetable
Karnataka Vidyagama Programme Timetable

Need for Vidyagama Yojane in Karnataka

The state govt. has clarified that the relaunch of Karnataka Vidyagama Scheme 2021 does not mean schools are being reopened. Such small sessions are made available for students to ensure that children from all sections get proper education. Students from poorer sections of the society were facing difficulty in online education as they do not have smartphones or the networks in their areas are weak. For such students, Vidyagama Scheme has been relaunched in a modified manner.

Earlier in August, the Department of Primary and Secondary Education had launched Vidyagama programme to reach out to students of government schools by taking classes at doorsteps of the children’s houses at their villages.

Under this Vidyagama Yojane then, teachers were asked to meet the children at playgrounds or temples near the students residences and engage them in academic activities. However, the programme was suspended in October after Covid-19 cases were reported among students and teachers involved in classes under the Vidyagama Scheme.

Source / Reference Link: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/vidyagama-is-back-in-ktaka-now-for-private-schools-too/articleshow/79749692.cms

from सरकारी योजना

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