Rajasthan government had launched Indira Rasoi Yojana 2020-2021 to ensure that no person sleeps hungry (Koi Bhukha Naa Soye) in the state. CM Ashok Gehlot on 22 June 2020 announced that meals twice a day are made available to the poor people at low rates. The state govt. is spending Rs. 100 crore per annum for this Indira Rasoi Scheme. Moreover, govt. is making use of the Information Technology to effectively monitor this scheme. The official website for Indira Rasoi Yojna is https://ift.tt/3sR9Xm8
Rajasthan Indira Rasoi Yojana 2020-2021
Indira Rasoi Yojana is an upgraded version of the previously running Annapurna Rasoi Yojana in Rajasthan. In this scheme, the state govt. will ensure that all the needy and hungry people will get hygienic and nutritious food. The Rajasthan govt. will take the help of Local Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Indira Rasoi Yojana implementation.
CM had launched this Indira Rasoi Yojana which would be beneficial during Coronavirus un-locking period as well as post COVID-19 period. The scheme had been rolled out in 213 urban local bodies of the state.
Food Items in Indira Rasoi Yojana 2020-2021
Indira Rasoi Yojana had been started in 12 municipalities of Jaipur district. The food menu of the plate being served under the Indira Rasoi Yojana is having the following things:-
- 100 Gram of pulses
- 100 Gram of vegetables
- 250 Grams chapatti
- Pickles
The items on the plate can be altered as per the local requirement recommended by the district-level committees. Food quality will be checked by the district-level committees from time to time and complaints can be lodged with district collectors.
Apply Online at Official Website of Indira Rasoi Yojana
The official website for Indira Rasoi Yojana is https://indirarasoi.rajasthan.gov.in/. People can apply online for Indira Rasoi Yojna by clicking at the “Sign In” option present at the homepage. This will redirect the citizens to the SSO ID Registration & Login page which can even be reached using the direct link – https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/signin?RU=INDIRARASOI
Indira Rasoi Yojana – Timings for Meals
The food will be made available in the morning from 8.30 am till 1 pm and 5 pm to 8 pm in the evening. इंदिरा रसोई योजना से बदलेगा जीवन, कोई भूखा नहीं सोए, यही है राजस्थान सरकार का प्रण। CM Ashok Gehlot said that “There is a dearth of nutritious food and it is with the idea that nobody goes to sleep hungry that I am announcing this today.
Indira Gandhi was a great leader and the reason behind the creation of Bangladesh, she brought in the Green Revolution, conducted the nuclear tests in Phokran during 1974. In the memory of the great leader, we have decided that Indira Rasoi Yojana will be started soon under which nobody will sleep hungry.” Chief Minister mentioned this while addressing the virtual launching of a state-level Covid-19 awareness programme through video conferencing from his residence.
Indira Rasoi Yojana Progress Report till January 2021
Rajasthan govt’s ambitious Indira Rasoi Yojana has provided meals at subsidized rates to 1 crore people within a span of 3 and half months. Under Indira Rasoi Scheme 2020-2021, meals are provided at Rs. 8 in around 358 rasois situated in 213 ULBs across the state. The state govt. has ensured that no poor sleeps without food and these kitchens turned out to be successful model.
In municipalities, around 300 plates are being sold per day while 600 plates are sold in municipal corporation and municipal council areas. The number can be increased to 100% if required. The Rajasthan state has a daily food capacity of 1,33,500 plates. There is a target of distributing 4.87 crore lunches / diners annually on which 100 crore will be spent every year.
Food is available in Indira Rasoi Yojana b/w 8 am to 1 pm in the morning and 5 pm to 8 pm in the evening. District administrators and Local self government (LSG) departments are regularly monitoring the quality of food. A Menu of 100 gm of pulses, 100 gm of vegetables, 250 gm of chapati and pickle has been fixed by the state govt. of Rajasthan.
Grant to Operators in Indira Rasoi Yojana
In order to develop the infrastructure, the Rajasthan state govt. has provided Rs. 4.87 lakh to each operator. Every year, Rs. 2 lakh grant would also be provided. The cost of plate will be Rs. 20 but it would be provided at subsidized rates of Rs. 8 per plate. Operators would ensure social distancing and sanitization in the Kitchen.
The existing government of Rajasthan had overhauled the Annapurna Rasoi Scheme launched by former CM Vasundhara Raje to serve food at subsidized rates across the state. It is because the Rajasthan govt. wants to provide food to poor after spending money in a transparent manner.
Features & Highlights of Indira Rasoi Yojana 2020-2021
Here are the important features and highlights of Indira Rasoi Yojana 2020-2021 in Rajasthan state:-
- Pure, fresh and nutritious food to the beneficiary for 8 rupees
- Food respectfully sitting in one place
- Rs 12 per plate grant by the state government
- Provision of Rs 100 crore per year for the scheme
- Aim to benefit 1.34 lakh people daily and 4.87 crore people per year. This can be further increased as per the requirement.
- Normally, lunch will be made available from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and night meal from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
- The food menu mainly includes 100 grams of pulses per plate, 100 grams of vegetables, 250 grams of chapatti and pickles.
2 Times Meals at Low Rates to Poor
In December 2016, former CM Vasundhara Raje had launched Annapurna Rasoi Yojana. It was a subsidized meal scheme offering breakfast for Rs. 5 and lunch for Rs. 8 on the lines of Amma Canteens of Tamil Nadu. The scheme was aimed to benefit labourers, rickshaw pullers, auto-rickshaw drivers, students, working women, senior citizens among others. Now the state govt. of Rajasthan has started Indira Rasoi Yojana as an updated version of the previous Annapoorna Rasoi Scheme.
In the new Rajasthan Indira Rasoi Yojana, needy people living in the jurisdiction of urban local bodies (ULBs) will be getting nutritious meals twice a day at concessional rates. The rate for the meals has been finalized at Rs. 8. The new scheme will function after keeping in mind the requirements and tastes of every municipality.
For the implementation purpose, IT would be used to ensure smooth functioning and monitoring of the Indira Rasoi Yojana. A committee headed by the district collector will be monitoring this Yojana and the government will spend around Rs 100 crore each year on the scheme. Partnership of local NGOs will also be ensured for the proper functioning of the scheme.
Source / Reference Link: https://indirarasoi.rajasthan.gov.in/pdfDownload/09252020153216PMCUTTNGS.pdf
from सरकारी योजना
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